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the sun, moon and stars.

"Someday, someone is going to look at you with a light in their eyes you've never seen, they'll look at you like you're everything they've been looking for their entire lives."

Honestly I'd tell you that I know I can't see myself whenever I look at you, but I know that every time I do it feels like calmness has waved over me, happiness was suddenly sprinkled on me, you know the feeling when you've gone home from a long day at work but then the excitement that washes over whenever I remember that I get to come back home to you? yeah, it feels exactly like that.

Your eyes holds millions of shinning stars in them, all in different kinds, color, sizes, and lifespan. But honestly I think you'd be the moon, not the sun, stars or any planets out there simply because the moon might be smaller in size, it is equally as beautiful and shines the brightest in their darkest hours. Oh, did I mention that I love you lil missy? Because I sure do !

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